When does your travel dawn on you ?
With my group trips it
does when I announce the date. With a rare trip with my family it does when I
leave my home, and the rarest of them all ;-) when I travel all alone ,it surely
does in the airport departure area, if not when leaving home.
I was sure last night at the Mumbai airport it would come
,the feeling of going to a place for the first time. But it didn’t. It took its
time and just as I thought it would only come when I read the Russian
characters on arrival in Moscow, it came ! Well, the Russian characters did the
trick after all, but not on the information signs at the Moscow airport but on
my Laptop screen at Istanbul Airport.
All my travels have been to countries where the style of
writing has been more or less Latin. Starting tonight Moscow time it will be
different. And with all that one hears about Russia and the failure of its
citizens to speak or understand English, this trip promises to have its own
share of ‘language adventure’ other than the obvious Siberian one, as I dont intend on wasting time in the west.
Moscow has three international airports! Well not surprising
considering that Russia has nine time zones. Travelling from the Far East to the
west is crazy, you leave at noon and arrive at noon. Well, that has some time
to go. Today however I travel to Moscow and then overnight to Irkutsk in the
east. The regions main city. The region of Siberia.
Siberia! What does it bring to your mind? Cold winters
,frozen rivers ,huge mass of barren land and the Trans Siberian railway passing
through. This is summer ,and according to the last weather check the coldest
inhabited city in the world with a population of above hundred thousand, which
goes to 60 deg below the freezing point is still at 20 deg above it in summer.
The weather is not a worry ,actually nothing is when I
travel alone without having the thought of my tourists in my mind.
This happened out of the internet, was inspired by www.toehold.in . These guys are
based in Bangalore, India and are doing some good work with photography and
nature being their foundation. I obviously didn’t want to join a group and
wanted to rough it out myself.. So here it goes .. The real trip begins tonight!
Siberia and beyond ! (the ‘beyond’ is where all the fun is)
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