Friday, October 13, 2017

In Patagonia IN Torres Del Paine

 When you type ‘Torres Del Paine’ in google, pictures of the horned mountains show up. Like all good pictures that show up when you google a place, the Torres (towers) in the form of horns too look lovely with the dawn sunlight falling on them.
Cut to
The Real experience.
Yes, the horn's exist, and they look stunning when seen. But then there is the famous Patagonian weather. I am not complaining here but I foolishly kind of started to think in the first two days that I can understand the uncertainty of the weather in Patagonia, it changes in a span of an hour from being sunny to rains and then to snow and then back to sunlight. In between all this is the wind. When we had got down to take the picture of the Gaucho in the Argentinian Patagonia, the winds were, I guess blowing at 40 km/ hrs. Well, how do I know? I do not. I simply was told that in Torres Del Paine on that day the winds were at 80 km/hr which made the earlier day’s gust seem half.

The Glacial Lake and the hidden horns of the Paine

 The Torres Del Paine is more amazing than I had thought and I have only been there on a day trip. The five day W Hike is very popular here and somewhat similar to the ‘been there done that’ kind of the Inca Trail in Machu Pichu in terms of popularity. With lots of tourists come environmental hazards. Although there is not a big forest cover here, still the winds make sure that even a spark from a half - burnt cigarette bud causes a fire whose effects can be seen years after. Again, I was thankful that I am here just at the start of the season, in spring. They say autumn is the best. Less crowds and more colors. Colors or no colors, sun or rain Torres del Paine is Torres del Paine!
I met a Turkish guide who told me how she came to work in Torres Del Paine, first for a brief summer, and then never left.
This is my 6th day since the start of my tour to Patagonia and I already know that soon I will be like the guide herself. Happy with Torres del Paine but, yet wanting to do more to explore the madness of Patagonia.

used to be a hotel 

The Grey lake with the Glacier . winds at 60 km/hr

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